How to Work Out in Your Garden- Raghav Sharma

 Working out in the comfort of your own home sounds like a dream, and if you happen to own a fairly sized garden, even better! Working out in the garden is such a useful way of utilizing your space and equipment around you, and what better way to workout outside in your space surrounded by nature and getting into a better shape and healthy lifestyle. In this blog I have come up with a few tips on ‘How to Work out in Your Garden’. So, if you’re interested in ditching that gym membership and working out in your garden for free, then take a look below! Make sure to invest time in yourself and get along with the below mentioned equipment's & exercise routines for a better and healthier body and mind! 

1. Make use of Dumbbells
Its ideal to grab yourself a pair of Dumbbells if you are planning on working out in your garden as they will become your fitness best friend. Especially if you are a beginner, these are a great way to get you started and shaped into your fitness journey. You can utilize them in many exercises you do, for example

• Squats
• Lunges
• Jumping Squats
Dumbbell Clean

Note: If you want to buy dumbbells click the link below to get yourself a nice pair of dumbbells.

These above mentioned dumbbells are adjustable weights dumbbells that is going to e just perfect for you and your family.

2. Yoga
If you’re a lover of meditating, then yoga is a great work out which can be performed in your garden. Another term for this is ‘ego-yoga’ which just means yoga outside. A lot of people are misunderstood when it comes to whether yoga is actually a workout, some positions and variations performed in yoga require a lot of stamina and flexibility. But not only this, it relieves a lot of peacefulness which is perfect to do in your garden on a summer’s day.

Few Benefits of Yoga:

1. Improves Flexibility

2. Builds Strength

3. Improves Muscle Tone

4. Improves Balance

5. Prevent Back Pain

Note: If you want to buy a Yoga Mat click the link below :

3. The Plank
The plank is one of the most recognizable forms of exercise out there, and one which is easy to perform in your garden. I would highly recommend purchasing a workout mat as doing the plank on concrete floor isn’t ideal. Make sure you are lying flat on the ground facing the floor, then slowly raise your body with your elbows touching the floor. Then raise your lower body up onto your toes, making sure that your body is aligned. Then all that is left to do is try and keep this positioning going for as long as your can to work on you abs.

4. The Ski Sit
One of the simplest forms of exercise which doesn’t require any equipment, all you need to do is have your back positioned onto a wall, slide you back down until you are in a sitting position, then hold for as long as you can. If you’re looking for an exercise to help strengthen the legs and the glutes, then this is the one for you.

There are loads of different work out ideas, you only have to use your imagination and utilize the equipment and space you have around you. I’ve found that working out in your garden can not only be peaceful, but you can make it fun and incorporate it in your everyday life. For similar blogs on health and fitness take a lot at our website!

Note: If you want to stack up some supplement, then go for the Meal Replacement supplement.


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