Working out is good for you, as long as you’re going about it the right way. If you’ve just kick started your fitness regime, take a moment to make sure you’re not making any of these common workout mistakes.

1. Being over-ambitious

It’s easy to get a little carried away when you finally hop onto the fitness bandwagon. But getting overzealous in your workout can spell disaster, and can actually cause damage to your body that could take weeks or months to recover from. So even if you're working out to shed some kilos for a wedding, or any other special occasion, it's crucial to embrace moderate progression.

Tip: Go slow and don't make drastic changes in the very beginning, let your body adapt to physical and dietary changes you make.

2. Not wearing the right shoes

In our rush to start using our brand new gym membership, we often overlook the preparation and planning these activities need – like having a sturdy, suitable pair of shoes to exercise in. Instead we simply slip into our casual sneakers or worn out trainers and hope for the best.

This is a terrible idea. Using the wrong footwear can lead to injuries, so get a suitable, comfortable pair and replace them as soon as they get worn out.

Tip: Keep your budget in mind and go for which your pocket allow.

3. Not having a definite goal

This doesn’t just mean knowing how many kilos you want to lose or gain , it’s about knowing exactly what you wish to achieve with your workout. You could be aiming at losing fat, building muscle strength, or just toning up. Even though in the end it's about overall health, knowing your goals helps you prioritize and work towards achieving specific milestones.

Tip: Count your inches and be focused on how much you want to reduce or gain, keep of track of your workout and your diet.

4. Ignoring your diet because you’re exercising

It’s tempting to think that now that you’re working out you can eat guilt-free, since you're burning it all off anyway. But what will invariably happen if you’re not monitoring your diet is that you will end up consuming far more calories than you’re shedding. So make sure you're as disciplined in your diet as you are with your workout to see the results you’re aiming for.

Tip: You can use trackers for counting your calories, apps like HealthifyMe can also do the job.

5. Working out for more than an hour

Working out for over an hour is counter-productive. As a beginner, it’s actually better to start off with a 30 to 45 minute workout. Isn’t that great news?

Tip: Overdoing workout can have bad results over your desired physique, so keep a count on time!

6. Not prioritizing recovery

Many people are unaware of this, but exercise by itself will damage your body. Whether you’re lifting weights, running or doing interval training, you're actually breaking down your muscles bit by bit, so that new, stronger muscles are built. After your workout, the body begins the recovery process, and rebuilds itself with the help of high quality, nutrient-rich food and lots of sleep. So if you're missing out on all this and just focusing on burning calories, well, stop.

Tip: Track your healthy diet and have 7-8 hours of good sleep.

7. Not realizing that even healthy food has calories

While healthy food is good for the body and you should incorporate it in your diet, you mustn't confuse it with being calorie free. Just because it’s nourishing for the body doesn't mean you can gorge on it without a break, thinking you will lose weight.

Tip: Track your BMI and calorie intake needed for your body according to which make changes in your diet. 


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