
Showing posts from May, 2021

5 Best Exercises To Do At Home

Hello Reader!  Hope you are doing absolutely fine & if you have come this far and reading this you must be wondering what are the 5 best exercise to do at home for staying fit. so, without wasting your time on anything else lets jump into todays top. We all are aware of this pandemic situation in which we got stuck in our house and we have no other places to exercise than our home, but don't worry we got you covered! For the very first we want to tell you this is not just a magic tonic exercise which can help you reduce your fat, you have to be consistent with your exercise routine and your diet routine to get the desired results.  KEY TO YOUR FIT BODY!    Here we are listing Top 5 Exercises that you can perform at your Home and are very effective. #1 Burpees The  burpee  is a full body exercise used in strength training and as  aerobic exercise . It is performed in four steps: Begin in a  squat  position with your hands on the floor in front of you. Kick your feet back, while

The Best 7-Day Belly Fat Loss Diet Plan

  Looking for a healthy belly fat diet plan that’ll help you lose pesky belly fat and start   your journey to a flat tummy? Try this zero belly diet! Getting rid of abdominal fat isn’t just about your favorite clothes fitting better. It’s about feeling good about yourself from outside an inside too. It’s about feeling comfortable in your own skin. It’s about getting healthier and taking care of your body, also eventually helps to built confidence. Studies have show people with excess abdominal fat, particularly the fat that surrounds your vital organs, are at high risk for heart disease and ,many other problems.  The good news is that with this easy to follow 7-day fat loss diet plan, I’ll show you how to start to lose stomach fat in just a week. Granted, this is not a quick fix. There are no magical fat burner pills. Rather, it’s a simple step-by-step plan that works. This is an overall lifestyle change. Changes range from getting a good night’s sleep to consuming lower calorie meals


  7 COMMON WORKOUT MISTAKES!!! Working out is good for you, as long as you’re going about it the right way. If you’ve just kick started your fitness regime, take a moment to make sure you’re not making any of these common workout mistakes. 1. Being over-ambitious It’s easy to get a little carried away when you finally hop onto the fitness bandwagon. But getting overzealous in your workout can spell disaster, and can actually cause damage to your body that could take weeks or months to recover from. So even if you're working out to shed some kilos for a wedding, or any other special occasion, it's crucial to embrace moderate progression. Tip : Go slow and don't make drastic changes in the very beginning, let your body adapt to physical and dietary changes you make. 2. Not wearing the right shoes In our rush to start using our brand new gym membership, we often overlook the preparation and planning these activities need – like having a sturdy, suitable pair of shoes to exerc